Article 48 Expenses directly incurred by an enterprise in production and provision of service, including direct labour, direct materials, purchase price of commodities and other direct expenses shall be charged directly into the cost of production or operation; 第四十八条直接为生产商品和提供劳务等发生的直接人工、直接材料、商品进价和其他直接费用,直接计入生产经营成本;
The positive spin at present is that if markets succumb to fear of economic stagnation, this should reduce the price of commodities and of money ( through reducing the yield on bonds). 目前,积极的一面在于,如果市场屈服于对出现经济停滞的担忧,应会降低大宗商品价格及资金价格(通过降低债券收益率)。
Investment funds speculate on futures markets and help push up the price of commodities, including food commodities. 将投资的资金用在投机期货市场,促使包括粮食商品在内的商品价格上涨。
But a continuous rise in the relative price of commodities is a symptom of an inflationary process. 但大宗商品相对价格的持续上涨则是一场通胀的征兆。
The rational response has been to bid up the price of commodities, which continue on a rare bull run. 市场对此的理性反应是推高大宗商品价格,推动其延续目前这种罕见的牛市行情。
To fix without authorization the price of commodities or services within the range of the guidance price of the government, or government-fixed price; 擅自制定属于政府指导价、政府定价范围内的商品或者服务价格的;
If the price of commodities, particularly oil, fell, this would push up the trade surplus, he said. 他表示,如果大宗商品(特别是石油)价格下跌,就会推高贸易顺差。
Recently, the price of commodities trend to rise. 最近,物价有上涨的趋势。
The price of commodities such as soyabean, wheat and rice have surged this year to all-time highs and corn prices have jumped to a 12-year record. 大豆、小麦和大米等农产品价格今年飙升至历史高位,玉米价格也跃升至12年高点。
Policymakers now fret that the future for advanced economies might be one of persistently more expensive imports because rapid growth raises both wages and the price of commodities necessary for manufacturing goods. 政策制定者们眼下担心,由于高速增长推升了工资水平和生产所需的大宗商品价格,发达经济体未来可能面临进口价格不断攀升的局面。
Quality and price of commodities are relative, as the saying well goes, "Cheap is dear, and dear is cheap". 商品的质与价是对应的,俗话说得好:便宜无好货,好货不便宜。
Wasteful packaging will add to the price of commodities. 浪费的包装会抬高商品的价格。
The price of commodities including copper, iron ore and zinc has soared over the past four years as demand from China, and more recently India, has grown. 过去4年,由于来自中国(最近还有印度)的需求增加,包括铜、铁矿石和锌在内的大宗商品价格大幅上涨。
To lower the price of commodities sometimes is an important means in business. 有时降低商品价格是商业竞争中的一种重要手段。
Futures markets provide a current consensus of knowledgeable opinions about the futures price of commodities or financial instruments. 期货市场提供了对商品或者金融工具未来价格综合信息所作出的市场判断。
The price of commodities helps determine how much a business can charge for a product and the profit it can make. 商品的价格可以帮助企业确定如何定价,可以获得多大的利润。
In the first half of this year, the retail price of commodities is down by 3.2% over that in the same period of last year; that of consumer price is down by 1.8%. 上半年商品零售价格比上年同期下降3.2%,居民消费价格下降1.8%。
Fixing the price of commodities for resale to a third party; 固定向第三人转售商品的价格;
Global markets also reacted to the prospect of a conflict and there was a jump in the price of commodities that are heavily dependent on Russia and Ukraine, such as wheat, oil and European natural gas. 全球市场也对发生冲突的可能性做出了回应,一些严重依赖俄罗斯和乌克兰的大宗商品比如小麦、石油和欧洲天然气价格飙升。
Fixing or changing the price of commodities; 固定或者变更商品价格;
Monopoly is the opposite side of competition. It means a company or a group occupies most share of a certain market and gets exclusive control over the market and decides the price of commodities. 垄断与竞争对立而生,它是指某一或少数几个企业占据了相关市场的很大份额,从而取得支配市场特别是市场价格的力量。
Analyzing its essence, this dissertation makes an inquiry that the price of commodities is currency expression of its value, which belongs to exchange category and the price relations are interest allocation relations between dealers in the market. 从本质上看,价格是商品价值的货币表现,价格本身属于交换的范畴,价格关系就是交易者之间的利益分配关系;
Unreasonable duplicate construction, high price of commodities, fake quality of commodities and the insufficiency of the capability of enterprise technology innovation are the main reasons of ineffective supply. 不合理的重复建设、商品价格过高、商品品质伪劣及企业技术创新能力不足是造成我国无效供给过多的主要原因。
Deflation means price of commodities level continuous falling-off, in the meanwhile accompanied with economic recession. 通货紧缩是指物价水平的持续下跌,同时伴随着经济衰退。
According to scholars favoring international exhaustion, the right owner has already been fairly rewarded by means of setting the price of commodities or the price of authorization. 这是持国际用尽的学者的依据,认为权利人通过确定适当的产品销售价格或许可证费权利人已经获得了相应报酬。但这种观点也遭到持国内用尽学者的反对。
Abstract The existing tax systems have the effects of majorizing industrial structure, promoting effective supply and it does not influence the price of commodities. 现行税制对物价影响不大,具有优化产业结构、增加有效供给的作用;
In the face of the fierce competition between shopping website," battle spearhead "has from commodity quality, price of commodities transferred to customer satisfaction, the traditional enterprise competition system has been white-hot out by competition. 面对日益激烈的购物网站之间的竞争,战斗矛头已经从商品质量、商品价格转移到顾客满意,传统的企业竞争体制已经被白热化的竞争所淘汰。
Consumers will ultimately make purchase decision-making is through the value identified with the actual price of commodities compared to draw. 消费者最终购买决策的做出就是通过自己的价值认定与商品的实际价格进行相较得出。
One of the reasons for this phenomenon is that commodity prices also contains a hidden factor, and this factor is not being reflected directly, but it affects the price of commodities. 产生这种现象的原因之一就是商品价格中还包含着一种隐性的因素,而这个因素并没有直接计入到商品的成本中去,但却影响着商品的价格,这一影响因素归结起来就是品牌。
The closest attention of the people is related directly with their daily lives, daily necessities and the basic necessities. Especially for the price of commodities, house prices, income distribution problems have become the focus of the "Two Sessions" in recent years. 当下老百姓关注最密切的是与他们日常生活最直接相关的事情:柴米油盐、衣食住行。特别是关乎物价、房价、收入分配等问题。